
Функция registerloginform() не определена!

Inserting of a forum on a page is done with the following plugin call:

Комментрай 1. most recent by sima 27 окт. 2018 г.

You can have as many forums as you like, but only one per CMSimple page. The forums are distinguished by their name, which may contain lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and hyphens (-) only.

After switching to view mode you'll see the forum, and if it already contains topics, you can navigate through them. Posting new comments requires that you're logged in via Memberpages or Register_XH. Then you can also edit and delete your own posts. The CMSimple_XH administrator can edit and delete the posts from all users, but in order to post new comments he has to log in additionally as member. No additional admin functionality is provided in the back-end.

